Shell Advance
Shell Advance motorcycle oil is recommended by leading manufacturers such as BMW and Ducati.
Shell Advance 4-stroke motorcycle oils are a special blend of high-quality synthetic or semi-synthetic base oils.
Shell Advance motor oil range
Today’s bikes are very powerful. The power in bikes is now greater than in cars. With longer oil change intervals and lower oil consumption, the oil stress factor in bikes is higher than in cars. Thus, bikes buy dedicated Shell Advance Ultra motor oils to cope with these high stress levels in order to provide maximum engine protection.
Shell Advance motor oil creates a great feeling
Most of our team members are bikers ourself. We like Shell Advance Ultra motorcycle oils because it gives the bike a great feel when we ride our bikes. Shell Advance protects the engine and generates great performance. On top of that we experience excellent gear shifting properties.
Shell Advance motor oil best reliability, power and performance
Most bikers know the great importance of buying good quality motoroil like Shell Advance Ultra motor oil for motorbikes. We are therefore more involved in the process and can differentiate between a good and bad engineoil i.e. what should happen and what should not. Good engine oil will neutralise negative effects and optimise the bike’s value. This can be reflected by the reliability, power and performance of using the chosen motoroil. This is very important as we bikers see our bikes as pleasure and ensure our safety whilst riding.
Buy Shell Advance motor oil and it is shipped on the same day. Shipping is free for orders over 150 Litres. Deliveries take usually between 3-5 days.
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We paid to much in the past"
-- Stuart Wyatt